Fire Service WARNING After Blackpool Tealight Bath-Fire

Firefighters from Blackpool were called to a house on Milbourne Street around 10PM last night (Sunday). Neighbours could smell smoke and heard a smoke alarm at the property so called the emergency services. At the Scene Crews using Breathing apparatus found that heat from an unattended tea light had caused Continue Reading

Man dies charging iPhone while in the bath – BBC News

Mobile Phone users are being reminded of the dangers of taking their chargers near water after a man died whilst his phone was charging on his chest as he lay in the bath. Richard Bull, 32 from London had plugged his phone charger into an extension lead and trailed it Continue Reading

Perfect prep not so perfect

Many parents these days are using a time saving device called the perfect prep by tomee tippee. But today it was brought to our attention that this machine might not be as perfect as made out.  We don’t know how the magic works inside this little labour saver but we Continue Reading