Local Links

Here you will find some useful Phone numbers and links to places around Blackpool and the Fylde Coast.

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If you want to search OR add to our growing database of local companies you can find them on our: –
Business directory page HERE


Call 999 in an EMERGENCY ONLY for Fire, Police, Ambulance or Coastguard.

101 is Lancashire Police Non-emergency Number
Click HERE to report non emergency matter online

111 is the number for NHS Direct and the

Blackpool Victoria Switchboard is 01253 300000
0800 555 111 is the number for Crimestoppers if you want to report something else or anonymously.
Blackpool police non emergency related number is 08451 25 35 45 but 101 works the same.

Fire safety advice and free home fire safety checks Click here or call 0800 169 1125

Gas Leaks (24 Hour) 0800 111 999

Electricity Northwest 0800 195 4141

Report a Power Cut Call 105 from your phone. Yes just 105.

Burst pipe or No water 0845 746 2200

Report a Flood online Lancashire County Council – 0300 123 6780 –
If flooding is from highway drainage, surface water, groundwater or watercourses.

United Utilities report a leak – 0345 6723 723 – If flooding is from sewers or burst water mains.

Report ANYTHING Road related to Lancashire County Council (including Pot Holes)

BPL Bible Trusted

Alarm and CCTV installation -Hamisec.UK, Blackpool and Lancashire Facebook


Blackpool Victoria Hospital – 01253 300 000

Maternity phone numbers

  • Appointments – 01253 953624
  • Early Pregnancy (Under 16 Weeks) – 01253 953731
  • Maternity Day Unit (16 Weeks Onwards) – 01253 956820
  • Delivery Suite – 01253 953618
  • Ward D – 01253 953634

Fleetwood Hospital – 01253 306 000

Rossall Hospital – 01253 300 000

Emergency Dental Access Service – 01253 955 200

Whitegate Walk in Centre – 01253 953 953

Healthwatch Lancashire – 0300 303 8811

Quit Smoking – 01253 462 463


AL-ANON Family and Friends – 0207 403 08 88

Alcoholic Anonymous – 0845 769 7555

Alzheimer’s Society National Helpline – 0300 222 11 22

Arthritis Support Group – 01253 362 140

Beyond Domestic Abuse – 01253 405 959

Blackpool Famiy Information Service – 0800 092 23 32

Samaritans – 116 123 (free)

Fylde Coast Carers Centre – 01253 393748

Child Death Helpline – 0800 282 986

Child Line – 0800 1111

Connect young people’s centre – 01253 751 047

Cruse Bereavement Helpline – 01772 686 668

Addiction Helper – 0800 024 1478 or text HELP to 66777

Drugs – Talk to Frank – 0800 77 66 00

Dementia Support Network – 01253 477959 and select option 4

Fighting for Freedom Anorexia Nervosa 07985 673 187

Fylde Coast Counselling – 01253 714 606

Fylde Coast Women’s Aid – 01253 596 699

Help Direct – 0303 333 111

Help Direct Ncompass – 01253 362 140


Business Directory

If you’d like to add your local business to our directory please follow THIS link to the Directory page where you can add a free listing and manage any existing listings you may have with us.

Please bookmark us and share with your friends. Hopefully we’ll be of some use to you!

If you have a review or a recommendation that you would like to share with the Fylde Coast – Send it along with any accompanying pictures to info@thebplbible.co.uk.

We will consider all submissions carefully.

Local Map