Man dies charging iPhone while in the bath – BBC News

Mobile Phone users are being reminded of the dangers of taking their chargers near water after a man died whilst his phone was charging on his chest as he lay in the bath.

Richard Bull, 32 from London had plugged his phone charger into an extension lead and trailed it into the bathroom with him. Coroners recorded a verdict of accidental death.

In years gone by – safety groups have warned people of the dangers of taking items like hair dryers, straighteners etc into the bathroom but mobile phones only use a small voltage between 5V and 20V so had previously thought to have been safer than 240V appliances.

Most old Bathrooms and hotels still have a 12V socket somewhere to plug in an electric shaver.

It’s not clear whether this man was using an Apple charger or a compatible copy but regardless – Please leave your phone to charge in a safe place. After the inquest – the findings have been sent to Apple Inc. to try and prevent anything like this from happening in the future.

Richard Bull is believed to have plugged charger into an extension cord and rested it on his chest.

Source: Man dies charging iPhone while in the bath – BBC News