What is What Three Words and should I get it

This article is sponsored by Alpha Car Collections Have you ever been trying to describe your location to someone and not been able to properly articulate where you are? Perhaps you’re good at map reading but the person you’re trying to convey your location to – isn’t… What Three Words Continue Reading

South Shore Residents Report Power Outage

We were informed an hour ago that some residents Near to the Velvet Coaster had experienced power outages. Checking with Electricity Northwest – they do seem to be aware of an issue however the time stamp on their website is reporting that this power outage is happening in the future Continue Reading

Another Floody Housing Development

Land earmarked for development into houses on Grange park has been looking rather soggy of late. Since contractors levelled and scraped off the site – it’s been home to many seagulls who have used it as a temporary nature reserve away from the grasps of us humans. Aerial images of Continue Reading

Autumnal walks around Salisbury Wood

One of Blackpool’s best woodland walks looks absolutely stunning at this time of year. Some of the trees may be bare – but the colours of the fallen leaves and in parts – the smell of the pine needles will soon get you in the mood for Christmas. Follow us Continue Reading