What is What Three Words and should I get it

This article is sponsored by Alpha Car Collections

Have you ever been trying to describe your location to someone and not been able to properly articulate where you are?

Perhaps you’re good at map reading but the person you’re trying to convey your location to – isn’t…

What Three Words is an app designed to solve this problem.

Wherever you are in the world – What 3 words will allow you to send your location accurately to someone else using the app – including to emergency services

One case where this app has proved successful was shared on a national UK tips and tricks group we’re part of on Facebook

One group member posted that her husband broke down on the M5 and was in a live lane of traffic – He used the app to tell police exactly where he had broken down despite being on a featureless road. The lane was closed and emergency services arrived on scene promptly.

Imagine being on the beach between central and south pier and having a lost child – it could take a while to locate you if it’s a busy day on the beach.

What Three words is a great app to use for this and you can find it by searching on your phone’s app store or on the google play store.

Edge. Kings.Riding

That’s the comedy carpet’s what 3 words.

We hope you never need it = but if you do – What Three Words could make the difference for you.

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