Above the Starlings at Blackpool’s North Pier

Yesterday the Editor spent some time on the promenade at sunset filming the Starling murmuration from a safe distance.

Starlings from all over the Fylde coast can be seen flocking toward the direction of North and central pier from 4:30PM onwards. Some can be seen flying in circles at the same location every night acting as markers for the rest of the birds.

The Piers are a natural choice for the birds, they have plenty of perching space, are high above the ground below and offer little support for cats and other predators to gain advantage while the birds sleep.

Blackpool isn’t the only place to host such fascinating displays by starlings – Burnley bus station is also a spot favoured by Starlings as this video by Sam Fittock demonstrates.

Have you witnessed an awe inspiring natural display? Use the comments below to let us know or you can send us your media to info@thebplbible.co.uk if you’d like us to share your images with our readers.