Thanking Our Key Workers – Retail Staff

Where would we be right now without the amazing retail key workers in our local essential shops and all those who work in our Blackpool and nearby supermarkets.  Whether you shop local or prefer to visit the bigger supermarkets, there can’t be many people who haven’t needed to rely on these absolutely essential workers over the past few weeks.

Blackpool’s essential businesses are working hard for the community

We couldn’t possibly name all the amazing local businesses that are still operating at the moment.  If you want to see the list, just head over to visit this link.  If you work for a local business that is still operating and you are not on the list, it’s not for any reason other than we just aren’t aware that you’re still open for business.  If you want to add your business to the list, please contact us and we will happily add your business to the page.

Shop workers are absolutely on the front line right now, thrown into a scenario that they never dreamed that they’d be in.  But these guys are suddenly not only feeding us all but also ensuring that everyone who visits the shops is safe, maintains social distancing measures and that all employees are as protected as possible.

The sun will shine again for Blackpool’s business district. Remember to Shop local.

With some people needing to stay stocked up for a 12 week or more stint at home and shoppers planning on making less frequent trips for supplies, items have been flying off the shelves, faster than employees are able to restock.  Go to any shop and you’ll notice the staff working hard to keep the shelves stocked, even whilst people are still shopping.

Not forgetting all those furloughed from their usual employment who have chosen to sign up to work in these essential businesses.  With more retail staff needed to ease the pressure on businesses along with some of the usual workers needing to be shielding at home, self-isolating because they are showing symptoms and some being seriously ill fighting off covid-19, there is real demand for people to come forward and fill vacancies.  Hats off to all those who have stepped up and taken jobs working in the retail sector at this difficult time.

Thank you to all retail key workers right now for keeping us fed and supplying us with the essentials that we need to get through these crazy times.  Keep Going!

Photo credit: Salad Bowl Blackpool’s Facebook page