Rucksacks for Rough Sleepers – Read More….

Young Hero

Jacob is 7, from the east of the country and He’s without a doubt our hero of the week.
Read more below this video…
Can this young man inspire anyone reading this to get on the bandwagon and start something like this round here?
We’ve got a warehouse in Blackpool and we’d be happy to take donated items – We’re also happy to give any complete backpacks to Streetlife or Blackpool & the Fylde Street Angels to distribute to those who need these items because they are living rough in Blackpool.
If you’d like to pledge something in the comments we will approach some local businesses around the fylde to become drop off points and we will facilitate collection and distribution of these backpacks. If it takes off in a big way we may need help paying for the fuel to collect all these items but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Ideas for donated items
Backpacks (20L capacity and above)
Bottled water / Juice boxes / Capri sun type drinks
Tinned protein shakes (long life)
Sleeping bags / survival blankets (tin foil ones)
Camping mats
Any clothing in decent condition (all shapes and sizes including kids clothes god forbid)
Thermal clothing
Waterproof clothing
Socks, hats and gloves
Boots or suitable shoes
baby wipes / cleansing wipes (alcohol free of course)
hand sanitiser
toothpaste and brushes / Chewing gum
Roll on deoderant
Toilet paper / Nappy bags / tissues
Hair brushes
dried packet food – ready to eat (biscuits / protein bars / nuts / dried fruit / seeds / wholefoods / Peanut butter / Ritz or jacobs type crackers / Primula type cheese spread / Tinned meat – (anything ready to eat and with a long shelf life)
Tinned food and tin openers Tuna or any fish / any tinned fruit and vegetables / BIG BREAKFAST / Beans (usually cooked and canned and ready to eat cold if need be)
Sporks (Spoon and fork combination like the ones you get with gravy at KFC)
Flash wipes
Tea bags / coffee / Powdered milk / Plastic cups
Flasks (for hot water and filling up with tea
1 or 2 man tents
First aid kits or component parts thereof (plasters / anti septic / anti fungal cream etc)
Tampons or towels
Hand towels / small towels / flannels
Bars of soap / Shampoo
Packets of laundry soap
Nail clippers
Pens / paper / Sharpies (marker pens)
Ear plugs
Reading books.
Decks of cards (everyone gets bored right?
Camping stools
Dog food (for those living rough with dogs)
Flea treatment / worm tablets (again for the dogs)
If you want to get involved please comment below and leave a <3 reaction.
Donations – Volunteers with local businesses/premises who will take donations – Volunteers to collect items and bring them to our warehouse / Volunteers to sort the items and make up the bags
Negative comments will be deleted – Positivity is the key.