Following a number of incidents over the past few weeks culminating in an officer being kicked in the head – Insp David Wilson, Blackpool Neighbourhood Policing Inspector has released the following statement about incidents in and around the Gorton street / Milbourne Street areas of the town.
We have attended a number of incidents in this area too over the past few months and have included some pictures for illustration purposes only.
“Residents in the Milbourne Street / Gorton Street area of Blackpool may have noticed an increase in police presence in the last few weeks, including neighbourhood officers, plain clothed officers and mounted officers. This is to reassure the community that we are taking their concerns around anti-social behaviour seriously and will proactively target those responsible. Over the last few months a small group of individuals have been responsible for over 100 incidents of nuisance, criminal damage and assault, culminating in a police officer being kicked in the head and losing consciousness on Monday evening after responding to a report of vandalism. A 14-year-old boy was later arrested on suspicion of assault and has since been charged and remanded to court today. The officer has been released from hospital and is recovering at home.”
“We have worked tirelessly with partners in the council and the parents of these youngsters in an effort to avoid unnecessarily criminalising these individuals, but unfortunately this approach has not borne fruit, and the local community will be protected from their behaviour. We will use all the powers available to us to target this group and we will put offenders before the courts.”
“I would ask the parents of these individuals to take responsibility for their children and work with us to make the area a safer place to live and work. If any members of the community have any information about issues in that area, or indeed any other area of Blackpool, my team can be contacted on
Insp David Wilson, Blackpool Neighbourhood Policing Inspector.”
If you have any experiences of witnessing violence or disorder in this area and would like to let others know – email us at
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