Digital Transformation Consultancy Blackpool Lancashire

Running a local business can be stressful enough as it is without the extra headache of learning essentially a new digital marketing language.

Socail Media Platforms, Websites and online portals, Subscriber forms and newsletters, Search engine optimisation… the list goes on and on. It can all get a bit too much to pile on top of your bread and butter work.

At the BPL Bible we too feel this pain yet can’t afford to bring someone on board full time to keep up with the changing trends in the online landscape.

We have chosen to partner with Digital Transformation Consultancy Lancashire – who over the coming weeks and months will be adding little tweaks and touches behind the scenes and out front to make not only our website look and perform better – but also to help us rank better in local search engines for the relevant terms we should be found for.

Not only will this help to bring more eyes to our web pages all in all – it will also help us to keep those visitors here for longer – ensuring we are delivering the best content to our readers in the most efficient way possible.

Keeping on top of our website isn’t so much a full time job – but learning the next thing required in order to do a simple enough job can become very time consuming. Using a reliable local service like Digital Transformation Consultancy seemed the right thing to do.

We will bring you some updates as the work here progresses and no doubt we will be looking for some feed back from you on how we are doing

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What about my business?

Digital Transformation Consultancy are offering a free 1 hour consultation to any of our readers who has a local business and wants to get more out of their online presence – or even start one up in the first place.

It’s an open and honest meeting – a straight up chat and a brew and then a range of suitable options that will suit your budget if you let us know your ball park.

These services can range from setting up and populating a new website or social media account for your business, through to completely overhauling an existing site or online store in order to best attract new customers.

Just give us some information below and we will get back in touch with you as soon as we are free.