Advertising Case Study Feb 2019

This week we have been getting involved with a local business who are expanding onto the fylde coast. The Pizza Company Blackpool.

This is an example of how we can help local businesses captivates a local audience on facebook using great content.

Job Description

We received no input or direction from the business involved – our client entirely trusted us to know what to do when best representing them on social media to our audience and in return for a modest investment they have achieved a local reach of well over 25,800 with an additional 8000+ video views in the first 2 days alone. It’s fair to say that figures like that could not have been achieved by our client on their facebook page alone.

Below is what represents half of the reach of this entire campaign. It’s a video slideshow that we put together in order to give our readers an idea of what the menu contained. We thought this a better idea than posting a picture of the menu and the format really paid off in this case.

The video with over 8K views..

The Stats

The stats from all exposures on the page highlighted in green


Campaign stats highlighted in green

The statistics above do not take into consideration the reach that was achieved on instagram which is where the campaign was originated from. all in all the total reach of those posts is 24,800 give or take a few. This info is correct as of 48 hours after the campaign started. These figures will continue to rise over the next few days.

Campaign Details

This particular campaign consisted of

  • 1 x Photo shoot
  • 2 x instagram posts with automated Facebook syndication
  • 1 x facebook share from Clients page for job advertisement
  • 1 x Website photo Editorial including facebook promotion (viewed by 1462 people in 48 hours)
  • 1 x further article promotion on facebook
  • 1 x (Video Slideshow) Menu Explainer video approx 1min 30 seconds
  • 2 x delicious free pizzas (which is always a good news)

None of these separate elements were boosted on facebook in any way so this is a perfect example of how a successful organic campaign works on the BPL Bible.

We also provided all the images to the client in order for them to populate their new facebook page. We included over 50 unique images in total.

Plus Points

One of the factors going for this campaign was that this new business had looked ready to go for the past 6 months and the opening has been eagerly anticipated by many. It also helped massively that the business has been set out properly with literally no expense spared to ensure that the place looks immaculate.

All in all we’re extremely happy with the success of this campaign as are the owners of The Pizza Company Blackpool who are now trading for collections only from their marton store.

The Bottom Line

The typical cost of a campaign like this one would be between £250 and £350 depending on the exact requirements.

If you would like us to help your new or even established business reach a wider local audience on social media – please use the form below to send us your details so we can arrange a call back. If you would prefer email contact at first – please specify that in your message – including as much relevant detail as possible and any budget you have allotted.

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