Warm words of support for amazing local volunteers

Following the video in this post is a comment left by a supporter of Amazing Graze – on their own Facebook page. It’s written by a fella called Steve – but if you read this and have any ideas that can help – please inbox Amazing Graze on Facebook directly.

#TangerineAngels is a term that was coined following comments made before this video was filmed. This is week 2 of lockdown.

You can volunteer to be a driver by joining this group and making your intentions known to the other members.

The video should give you some idea of the scale of the operation – which has since expanded to cover more regular customers who require food deliveries. This includes people isolating in our community and the elderly – as well as families living in poverty with children. There really are no minimum criteria at AG – BUT the service is pretty stretched and relies on volunteers and donations. BOTH of which are always needed.

The open letter / comment reads as follows.

(We’ve inserted some of our own pictures for reference.)

“As far as I know, I don’t think the Gazette have ever given the credit and coverage to Amazing Graze that the team deserve in every way, shape and form.

I’ve watched as tireless dedication, hard work. and level of logistical organisation that I rarely see running this smoothly at experienced logistical companies has allowed Amazing Graze to more than triple it’s previous output from the time when people were visiting the kitchen before the social distancing measures, to a fully delivery based service for those who have been most vulnerable during this pandemic.

For months now there’s been not a word of request needed. Every Tuesday and Friday almost the same people are there ready to visit home after home after home in their own cars, to make sure that food is provided across Blackpool for those who desperately need help the most.

If anybody thinks the team will return to being an obscure soup kitchen tucked away in Bolton Street, think again. There are more ideas than ever, planning the expansion of services and care that can be given to those at their time of need. Deliveries are set to remain as part of the charity going forward, but this is where we need help to secure the transport required for a currently twice weekly FY basedb emergency food drop.

If you know of any company with an extensive fleet of commercial vehicles or access to vans regularly, please contact me or Amazing Graze about the benefits of having that company directly in partnership with the charity. Your name prominently placed as logistical partners for a future that will require more capacity, but fewer vehicles and drivers by finding that balance.

Those vehicles when used a couple of times a week would of course proudly carry your logo and letterhead for all to see, and although a charity such as Amazing Graze cannot finance such a fleet to profit the partner, that companies generosity and help will positively impact a potentially larger number of people immediately, whilst raising the company profile across the Fylde.

What I can say for sure is that any company that does such incredible work for a community, would be remembered by so many for answering that calling, and I’ve never yet seen such a company that hasn’t grown in stature by the way it’s seen by that very community.

So please share this information to anyone you know, and any potential life changers. I don’t mind contact from anyone on the matter, or my own time is available should anyone want a full and close up look at a stronger, better and by pushing that potential, more widespread coverage of care from the Amazing Graze Community Team.

Thanks to all for reading. No suggestion is silly, it you need to ask questions fire away, I look forward and thank anyone in advance for caring and contacting any person who thinks that they know someone that could provide support in transport.

To all the volunteers at Amazing Graze. Your sacrifices and commitment to this ongoing humanitarian mission, contains more humility from people than I’ve seen in many years. They don’t make noise, or court attention, and none virtue signal as a matter of importance. All the virtue they gain is by going home in the knowledge that they might have saved or changed some lives that day, when food is again delivered.”


If you would like to donate money to help amazing graze wth their weekly shopping bill please visit their website AmazingGraze.org for many ways to donate including by text message. You can also find out details about how to volunteer on the site too but it’s easier to contact them by their facebook page.