Scooter user gives lift on road

This evening we were sent footage of a scooter user carrying a passenger whilst driving through a busy junction in Blackpool. We agree that this is hardly the news story of the century but it does beg the question of should this behaviour be allowed on the roads.

Common sense would dictate that these devices are designed for one passenger only however after consulting with on the rules governing the use of these vehicles – it’s not at all mentioned regarding the carrying of passengers.

It does however advise that users of such mobility aids should consider using pavements at busy junctions.

Comments we’ve already had on facebook allude to people wanting to know if the vehicle was insured and registered to be on the road but again – the guidance doesn’t mention the requirement for insurance while using what is essentially labeled an invalid carriage.

Here’s an image we took last week of a scooter user on the main roundabout in Bispham

And here is the video we were sent today showing the scooter user carrying a passenger.

Are scooter users a menace on the roads? Have you had a close call or even an accident involving a scooter? Do you drive a scooter and think that there should be more rights for scooter users? let us know what you think in the comments below.

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