Locals Discount Card

A Locals discount card to encourage a better local economy. If you’re into that sort of thing – please read on.

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We support Local Businesses – You hear it said and see it written all the time but do people really do enough to support their local economy?

Using national chain stores while on one hand it does creates some employment opportunities – on the other hand it all but monopolises the industry making it hard for locals to employ many workers at all meaning the ones who are lucky enough to have a job get worked extra hard. 

That’s just one aspect of how choosing convenience is actually detrimental to our local economy. Especially with the uncertainty of leaving the EU – We still have local people producing local food – granted not enough to feed everyone at present but enough to feed many and see their businesses thrive in a smarter local economy.

That’s our vision for this area – we have a diverse range of skill-sets converged into a neat rectangular blob we call the Fylde coast. We should be choosing our suppliers wisely in order to help better our own living environment. More money from local traders means more local tax revenue as opposed to many big chain companies who are known to avoid paying tax in the UK thus stealing us of not only our own tax money but our local profit for growth too.

The Big Idea

With this in mind We are proud to announce we will be developing a network of local traders over the coming months in order to completely cover all of your daily household needs if you so wish – by just shopping locally – and each of these businesses will offer an exclusive deal to card holders only whether that be free delivery or a percentage discount – that is left to the trader to decide. Once issued this card will run for 12 Month as the first trial – if successful we will look to develop this idea further.

We will showcase all these businesses on their own dedicated sub-site on the BPL Bible which will act as our trusted business register and each discount card will have a link to that site so cardholders can check the latest deals available on any given day available with their card. We will further promote this service daily on our facebook page in our quest to link up local people with local businesses.

The Card is Free for the cardholder but the service is subsidised by the local businesses who offer their discounts to you together as a local marketing partnership. The sole purpose of this scheme is to encourage local people to buy locally by way of a discount in exchange for being sent a regular newsletter via email and by entry to a Facebook group. Users will not be asked for any payment details from us for this card service.

Please use the form below to register your interest in receiving a local’s Discount Card and then please leave a comment at the bottom of this page to show your support and choose to share this to your timeline too!!

If you own a local business and would like to know more about how to participate in this scheme – please email localbusinessteam@thebplbible.co.uk and we will send you a short presentation to read about our service.