Over 1000 New Homes For Blackpool

A housing development project is being put into motion as company Kensington Developments has acquired a vast amount of land in Blackpool for 1000 new homes, which will be called Redwood Point.  The developers have been granted planning permission to use the area for building the properties and to build an M55 link road near Whitehills roundabout to grant residents access to the main road.  Kensington are instructed to provide the payment for the construction of the road in stages.  Payments must be made once the 150th, 300th and 425th home becomes occupied.

Following the approval of planning permission for the road, Kensington Developments have already started working with local MPs, and Lancashire County council to ensure that the construction of the road goes ahead smoothly.  

Of course, the development will require a large amount of landscaping and preparation of gardens whilst there is also some 257 acres of land that has been earmarked for conservation and a nature park.  Kensington Developments is finding all of this and is consulting Natural England in order to preserve the local wildlife.

Traditionally, Lytham Moss has been a haven for water birds in the winter and has been a breeding area for rare birds too so the developments that Kensington have come up with will ensure that the birds and other wildlife still have somewhere to live in harmony with the new residents.

The addition of a new park for the public will also ensure that there is a safe and pleasant recreational area for locals offering the various benefits of spending time outdoors.